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Rocket Seed Cultivation: A Resilient Crop in Sindh


Rocket seed, also known locally as Jambho, is a robust crop well-suited for the challenging conditions of Sindh. With its ability to thrive in normal sodic soil and withstand water scarcity, it has been a staple in Sindh's agricultural landscape for centuries. This article provides insights into the cultivation of rocket seeds, highlighting its adaptability and the agricultural practices employed by the people of Sindh.

"Image: Robust rocket seed plant thriving in Sindh, demonstrating its adaptability to local conditions and resilience in the face of water scarcity."

Crop Characteristics:

Rocket seed is renowned for its hardiness and adaptability to the arid conditions of Sindh. The late-grown crops have demonstrated a remarkable capacity to yield high results. The cultivation of this crop, which also yields oil, has been a longstanding tradition among the people of Sindh.

Growing Season: The optimal time for sowing rocket seeds in southern Sindh is between October 15 and November 15, while in the northern regions, it can extend to November 30. Selecting the appropriate rocket variety is crucial for achieving the best results, as certain varieties are specifically developed for optimal performance in the region.

Seeding and Spacing: For efficient cultivation, a seed rate of 2 to 3 kg per acre is recommended, with 2 kg considered sufficient for drilling. Depending on the cultivation method, spacing requirements vary. In zero tillage, a four-inch spacing is adequate, while furrow method demands a half-foot spacing. Proper spacing ensures healthy plant growth and facilitates effective cultivation techniques.


To enhance crop productivity, the application of fertilizers is crucial. At the time of sowing, one bag of nitrophos should be utilized, with more than half a bag of urea applied during the first watering. This strategic approach ensures that the rocket seeds receive essential nutrients at critical stages of growth.

Watering Techniques: For both zero tillage and furrow methods, specific watering cycles are recommended. The first watering should occur 15 days after sowing, followed by a second watering after 30 days. These watering intervals contribute to the overall health and development of the rocket crop.

Crop Details:

  • Local Name: Jambho
  • English Name: Psyllium Seed
  • Scientific Name: Plantago Ovata
  • Family: Plantaginaceae
  • Sowing Time: November to December
  • Seed Rate: 2.5 to 3 kg per Acre
  • Harvesting Time: March to April
  • Yield: 10 to 12 MDS per Acre
  • Varieties: Local

Fertilizer and Organic Matter:

  • Urea Application: 1 bag in two splits
  • Farmyard Manure (FYM): 2 Truckloads per Acre

Conclusion: Rocket seed cultivation in Sindh not only showcases the resilience of this crop but also emphasizes the importance of traditional agricultural practices. By following these recommended techniques, farmers can optimize their yields and continue the rich legacy of rocket seed cultivation in the region.

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